Corporate information for websites and apps

For Shiny Apps or other websites related to the WSL, we provide the corporate guidelines for the web such as corporate colors, fonts, etc. here.

You can also find an overview of the most important corporate templates for print on the intranet.

Website colors WSL

Background Navigation

#006268 Dark green

#FDF5C9 Light yellow

#176F6F Medium green


Font color

#2D2D2D black



#FBF0B2 Yellow



Active grotesque

Website colors SLF

Background Navigation

#154065 Dark blue

#D9F6FF Light blue

#1B5C85 Medium blue


Font color

#2D2D2D black



#B0EDFF light blue



Active grotesque

Link awards


In the content: #006268 Dark green, in the navigation: #FBF0B2 Yellow


in the content: #1B5C85 Medium blue, in the navigation: #B0EDFF Light blue


Top left WSL/ SLF logo with / without claim as on the microsites or our website.

You can find the logos on the intranet, as well as the spelling of WSL and SLF.


D: Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL
F: Institut fédéral de recherches WSL
I: Istituto federale di ricerca WSL
E: Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL


D: WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF
F: WSL Institut pour l'étude de la neige et des avalanches SLF
I: WSL Istituto per lo studio della neve e delle valanghe SLF
R: WSL Institut per la perscrutaziun da la naiv e da las lavinas SLF
E: WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF

Here you can enter further links, such as imprint, contact etc.