File management

The "File list" module

Media and files are uploaded in the file list.

  1. The available folders are displayed in the column to the right of the module bar.
  2. Use the arrow symbol to expand and collapse the corresponding levels.
  3. Click on the folder name to select it.
  4. The elements in the selected folder are listed in the right-hand column. These can be files, but also subfolders.
  5. The column bar displays the following column information for the files: File name, file type, date, size, authorization for the file and number of references, i.e. how many content elements the file is included in).

Findout more:

Web-Tutorial: File list

File management (PDF)

Upload and edit files

Files and folders can be uploaded and created in the "File list" file manager.

To upload a new file, click on "File list" in the Links column. Select a destination folder for the file. With the "Employee" authorization there is only one folder, you do not have to select anything here.

In the right-hand column, click on "Upload file" and select your file locally or on a server. Alternatively, drag and drop a file from the desktop directly into the field between the folder name and the search field.

If the file name already exists in this folder, another window will appear. Select the appropriate actions for the file(s) and click on "Continue".

After the successful upload, a success message will appear and the file(s) will be displayed in the folder.

You can upload several files at once by selecting several files in the pop-up window or by dragging and dropping several files into the field. To do this, hold down the Shift or CTRL key while selecting to select multiple files.

Web tutorial "

Create folders, files and media files

Module "File list" -> Select target folder or, with "Staff" authorization, use the existing "Emplyee folder"

  1. Click on the "Plus" icon in the top bar.
  2. On the next screen you add
    - a new folder
    - the Links of the YouTube or Vimeo video
    - or a new text file
  3. Click on the "Create folder", "Add media" or "Create file" button

The folder structure is sorted numerically and alphabetically, the folder order cannot be influenced directly. Avoid special characters and umlauts in file and folder names. Spaces are automatically converted to _underscore_.

In addition to folders, you can also create text or media files in the same way.

" Video: Create folders

Link file in a content element

You can now link the uploaded file in a content element.

To do this, select "Page" in the Links column and select the corresponding page in the page tree. Create a new content element or select an existing one. Switch to the "Media" tab in the content element.

Click on "Create new relation". Select your file in the file list.

Webmanual content elements "